long - mack
- long-haul seine
- long-range navigation
- long-range navigation system
- longbill spearfish
- longfin dragonfish
- longfin inshore squid
- longfin mako
- longfin pilot whale
- longfin red bass
- longfin seabass
- longfin squid
- longhaed dab
- longjaw squirrelfish
- longline
- longline fishing
- longliner
- Longman's beaked whale
- longnose lancetfish
- longnose skate
- longspine porgy
- longspine squirrelfish
- longspine thornyhead rockfish
- look-on net
- lookdown
- loss of a ship
- loss of freight
- loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery
- low tide
- low water
- low-grade nodules
- low-tide elevation
- low-water line
- low-water mark
- lower high water
- lower riparian State
- lumpfish
- lumpfishes
- lumpsum charter
- lyre crab
- maasbanker
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